very dissapointing.
im a big fan of the sift head series, but this one was terrible in comparisson to the others.
first the game had a few glitches, for example i found on several occassions when trying to jump out to fire i found myself tapping the spacebar like a madman. when you had to hotwire the car i mad several attempts but it just kept cutting back the screen with the wires. also had difficulty on the level after you have to stop the truck as definate head shots counted as body shots and i had to start all over again.
gameplay wise not bad, my main concern was the fact you couldn't reaload unless you were in the line of fire, making that part in the house very stressfull.
But my main concern was how small it was, i ejoyed the previous story as you had to make choices and figure things out and they were generallly quite epic.
I hope you improve on your next one.